HI! I am Zaheer

ML Engineer


Who Am I ?

About Me

Welcome to my personal website! I am Zaheer K Z, a driven and self-taught Machine Learning (ML) engineer, driven by a vision to utilize artificial intelligence for the betterment of our world. I take pride in holding a BCA degree from Mysore University, where I achieved an impressive 8.2 CGPA, reflecting my commitment to continuous growth and learning.

Having grown up in the picturesque district of Coorg, Karnataka, I developed a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature and the richness of diverse cultures, which serves as a constant inspiration in my pursuit of leveraging AI for positive change.

My expertise spans full-stack ML engineering, human-computer interaction, and more. Proficient in Python and essential libraries like NumPy, spaCy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, pytorch, and tensorflow, I've executed impactful projects in ML, DL, NLP, and Open-CV. For more, explore my GitHub. I eagerly anticipate applying my skills to make a positive impact on the world.

Thank you for visiting my personal website. I warmly welcome you to connect with me anytime. Together, let's explore the endless possibilities that artificial intelligence holds in shaping a better tomorrow.

My Skills


My personal journey
What I Did ?


Location Unknown

Breast Cancer Prediction

This is the project for breast cancer prediction using machine learnig algorithms. The project includes a user-friendly application that allows users to input relevant features and predicts whether a breast tumor is benign or malignant.

Location Unknown


PaperMate recommends research papers in machine learning, deep learning, and NLP to help you stay updated with ease. Think of it as your intelligent research companion.

Location Unknown

Object Detection

2023 • May - June

The project is an object detection app using YOLO, a powerful algorithm. It identifies multiple objects in images, with adjustable settings and interactive results. Fast, accurate, and user-friendly.

Location Unknown

Cover Letter Generator

Easily make outstanding cover letters using the magic of Streamlit and advanced AI.

Location Unknown

PDF Text Extractor

A simple app that extracts text from PDF files using PyPDF2 and gradio.

Location Unknown


The SmartEDU Project aims to create a web-based learning platform that enhances accessibility and organizes various learning methods into categories such as Blogs, E-books, Video Courses, and Live Classes.

Location Unknown

Cafe Coffee Day (clone)

The Cafe Coffee Day clone project is essentially a static website that replicates the original Cafe Coffee Day website, featuring multiple pages.

Location Unknown

Starbucks (clone)

The StarBucks clone is essentially a static website constructed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, replicating the original website.

Location Unknown

Air India(clone)

The Air India clone is essentially a static website constructed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, replicating the original website.

Location Unknown

FIFA 2022

The FIFA-2022 clone is essentially a static website constructed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, based on my own idea.

What I Do ?

EDA and Feature Engineering

I can get your work done on these tasks data used to train machine learning models

Machine Learning Model Development

I can provide support & guidance on your ML Model Development project


I can build custom chatbot for your firm that are responsive and tailored to your specific needs.


I can help you learn more about Python ,DSA, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and NLP.

Want to work with me?

Always feel Free to Contact & Hire me

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Topic Modeling with LDA

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Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup

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